Monday, January 1, 2024

2023 End of Year Update

Wow! It's hard to believe another year has come and gone! 
Time for a little update to wrap up 2023:

Every season brings about change. As usual, we had some changes during our fall season.  We said goodbye to our friend Snow Leopard as her family moved to Texas in July to begin a new journey. It's amazing how some relationships with your clients can grow into a friendship over the years, and this family definitely fits into that category. We watched little Snow Leopard grow from age 2 to a blossoming 5 years old and also beginning Kindergarten this year! We had a recent visit with them as they were in town visiting family for Christmas. It was a special time to give hugs to Snow Leopard and her baby sister.

Speaking of 5 year-olds, we also finished up care with Kinkajou as she headed off to school in August. Both Snow Leopard and Kinkajou were my "drop-in" girls, and it was a pleasure to care for them both over the years. They both were very excited to start school this year and as usual it's hard to believe how quickly they grew up! Here are some pictures we took on Kinkajou's last day with us:

One of our grown up cubs, Piglet, came for drop-in care at the end of July and has also come a few extra days since then when she didn't have school. It's been crazy to see how much she has learned and grown over the years as well. She recently turned 7, which really blows my mind! She has a very nurturing spirit and has been super helpful when she visits, especially with the little ones. She had a special walk with us and Sea Horse one fall day that she came. It was a great memory we shared with the girls.

Our last update is about about 3 year old Platypus. She was on a wait list for preschool at Pikes Peak Christian School for the 2023 school year and a spot opened up for her near the end of September. She leaves her brother Moose behind at daycare, but is blossoming and growing in her new atmosphere. We are super happy for her! We've missed having her here, but have had some visits at pickup time and drop-in days when she doesn't have school. We get great big hugs when we see her and earfuls of information during our visits. One of those visits was around Halloween when she was dressed up as a mouse from the book, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie. She turned 4 in December which is so hard to believe since we've had her here since birth.

Now for an update on our cubs who are still with us! We are currently in the walking, talking, sharing, learning, and growing stage of toddlerhood. Seahorse is now the oldest one at 4.5 years and does great helping us out with the younger ones. Her imagination is soaring right now, and we cherish the time we have with her until she heads off to school next August. We also have the 3 year-olds Hippo and Hummingbird, 2 year-olds Moose and Monarch, and 18 month old Polar Bear. 

Our newest little friend, Mouse, recently joined our den a few weeks before Christmas and she is an adorable 15 month old. Her mamma sent me a picture of her on Christmas day, so I thought I'd share it here to capture her personality. She is a very sweet and easy going toddler and comes one day a week. We picked her name because of how quiet, cute, and chill she is! It just seemed to fit her well.

We had a fun time right before Christmas as Sea Horse declared the day before break as a Christmas Jammie Party, so I will also include some pictures of that day as well. It was a super festive time and great way to get us into the holiday spirit!

We are excited for next year as we continue to care for our little friends, get to know Mouse more, and have some new cubs growing in their mammas tummies! We will have new little ones join our crew in May and July for a new season of having babies around. More to come later, but until then, we keep plenty busy with our current troop and are thankful for each day that our adventure brings.


Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Summer Update 2023

We have, not one, but two new cubs to introduce! I have a little time off this week so I thought I would take a moment and get things up to date about our den. But first, let's start off with an update on our four year old, Mother Hen....

We received notice in May that she was going to be staying home with her mom and begin preschool in the fall. We are so happy for them to create special memories together, but she is already missed by all of us, especially her friends Platypus and Seahorse. She was a big help around here and had a great, interactive imagination at playtime with baby dolls, pretend cooking and the giraffes from our animal bucket. We will also miss her spontaneous renditions of "Let it Go." We know you will do great things and go far, little one!


Last day with Hen

Now, onto the new arrivals....  One of our current clients referred us to a new little guy named Polar Bear. He came to us in May since they were looking for more of an in-home setting. He turned one in June and was with us for a few weeks before taking a family vacation in Europe. He is a sweet little guy with a head full of light blond hair and loves his little Wubby giraffe pacifier. He loves to snuggle and crawl around exploring everything. We have enjoyed getting to know him and he has settled in really well considering all the changes. The older kids have been pretty gentle with him so far, but Moose and Hippo definitely want him to get bigger so they can wrestle him more!

Polar Bear

Our second introduction is our little friend, Hummingbird. She is two and a half years old and also has light blond hair. Her mom is my son's co-worker and they were in need of some summer care while her grandparents were out of town. So, she's flown right in and is super sweet, observant, bold, and talkative. Her favorite thing to ask over and over again is "What are you doing?" She's been a little nervous settling into a daycare setting, but is doing great letting us know her needs. Monarch, being the toddler that she is, has a tendency to be a bit of a tease and take things away from Hummingbird and others. So, our new friend is very bold at telling her no, and Monarch thinks it's quite a funny game to test her patience. Aside from that minor adjustment, we are really enjoying her company and personality, and she has adapted quite well.


As summer ends soon and fall draws near, we will probably have a few more changes in store as Snow Leopard will be moving and Kinkajou will be heading off to Kindergarten! In the meantime, here are some pictures of my crazy crew and our summer adventures.....

Outdoor Table Time

Little Sand Box Time

Bench Picture #1

Bench Picture #2

Bench Picture #3

Big Sandbox Time

Hippo, Platypus, and Moose

Snow Leopard, Sea Horse, and Hummingbird



Water Table Fun #1

Water Table Fun #2

Polar Bear

Things are definitely busy around here, but nothing beats all the smiles we get!
Sometimes you've just got to stop, enjoy the little moments, and smell the flowers!



Sea Horse

Our Spring Lilac Blooms

Sunday, April 9, 2023

Our Friend Hedgehog

We had the privilege of taking in a sweet 3 year old boy under our wings from January through March. He came to the Springs to stay with his aunt for 6 months since his mom asked her to take care of him for awhile. We've named him Hedgehog because of his wrinkled up little grin and spikey haircut.

We are not sure of the exact challenges he faced back at home, but we do know that the situation has been unique to say the least. He had so much excitement to come to daycare each day and see his new friends. At times, he would get a bit overwhelmed or overstimulated, and we worked with him quite a bit at managing his emotions. He had a great time, though, getting to know all of his new buddies!

We saw a lot of growth in him the short time he was here. His vocabulary grew quickly and he loved the songs we sang to him, especially the ABC's and a "Bless You" song which we improvised. He and Hippo loved being car buddies and going down our indoor slide. They played well together using non-verbal noises to communicate their common interests. One of his biggest interests though was playing with trains and watching them with Mr. Steve. They really bonded over that time together.

Hedgehog's aunt also became a big part of the LPC Family. All the kids adored her and greeted her each time she would drop off and pickup. She even brought her baby chicks a few times to daycare so all the kids could see them. We have some amazing memories from having them here!

Hedgehog is now back with his mom and grandma and very missed by us and his little friends.
We are so grateful that we had him in our care and wish it could have been longer!
He has such a sweet spirit, and we pray many blessings over him. We've gotten several pictures of him since he left and are thankful for the opportunity to see him doing well.

Bless you, little man, Hedgehog! Hope to see you again.